Our Khandsari Process

We have been growing sugarcane in the sugar land of north India from generations. This is world's oldest sugarcane growing region and also holds the credit of making 1st sugar ever. The sugarcane is of Non-GMO variety and is grown through sustainable farm practices.

Sugarcane is crushed for juice in traditional Kolhu machine (Yes that's where our brand name comes from :)). It is a cold-pressed way of crushing sugarcane that leaves behind bagasse as you can see in above pic, this will be used as fuel for cooking the sugar.

Sugarcane juice is boiled in cast iron open pan on a firewood stove (Now this is what makes Khandsari so special. Boiling in open pan makes it a cooked sugar, a much better alternative to mass manufactured sugar). Open cooking imparts that yogic nature to sugar which makes it best sugar to make Ayurvedic preparations. A Tridosha balancing ability.

Sugarcane juice is cooked further. This is the area that require real skills & craftsmanship. Hurry won't help here, it requires lot of patience and experience to stop at the perfect moment. This section is going to decide the quality, texture and taste of khandsari sugar.

Once sugarcane juice becomes thick enough and attain the state of liquid jaggery it is transferred to a Crystalliser pan where it stays for 1-2 days to let the formation of sugar (Khandsari) crystals). The rotating fins speed up the process of crystallisation.

Liquid jaggery becomes really thick due to the formation of crystals and now is the time to take it through centrifugal machine to wash away the molasses and physically extract the Khandsari crystals. This is a basic process but requires real good skills to perform. Centrifugal machine works like a rotating washing machine and molasses is thrown out through small pores but crystal stays. Finally we get the golden looking Khandsari. This is real gold.

Khandsari is cleaned via sieve and other manual processes, it is sun dried, battered and finally packed in a food grade packaging. It gives great satisfaction to see the beautiful Khandsari after so much manual effort. This is the food that should be consumed instead of mass produced factory products. It's made with love and sweat. Enjoy the conscious eating.